What to expect
At the ULA Counseling Center, we understand that taking the first step toward counseling can be a significant and scary decision. To help you feel more at ease, we want you to know what to expect when you embark on your counseling journey with us!
Envison your counseling journey as climbing a staircase with a counselor serving as a reliable handrail and guide. The level of assistance and frequency are entirely customizable based on your preferences and needs. Below, we've outlined a general process to give you an overview of what to expect with us.
Inquiry and
Warm Welcome!
Submit an Inquiry!
After submitting your inquiry or having one submitted on your behalf, our counselors aim to connect with you within 2 business days using your preferred contact method. This contact provides an excellent opportunity for you to inquire about our services, gain insights and determine if you'd like to proceed with scheduling a consultation or assessment appointment at your convenience.
Free Virtual Consultation (Optional)
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Opt for a complimentary 15-minute consultation or dive straight into scheduling your assessment! Our virtual consultations serve as a brief 'meet and greet,' allowing you to assess whether the ULA Counseling Center aligns with your needs and preferences.
Diagnostic Assessment
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Your initial session with us is called a Diagnostic Assessment. During this appointment, you'll go through necessary paperwork concerning confidentiality, client rights, consent for services and more. After reviewing and signing the paperwork, we'll engage in a nonjudgemental, friendly conversation exploring various aspects of your mental health history, current challenges and strengths. Towards the end, we will discuss your diagnosis and any recommended services. Keep in mind this session is all about YOU, crafting personalized healing path - not about labels or judgement.
Developing a Treatment Plan
Developing your treatment plan marks a pivotal step in the counseling process. Think of it as your personalized roadmap to success tailored to your unique experiences, strengths, abilities and needs. These plans are fluid, regularly reviewed and updated to ensure they align with your evolving goals throughout different steps in your counseling journey.
Counseling Sessions
While each counselor may bring their unique style to sessions, you'll find common threads at the ULA Counseling Center. You can expect empathetic reflection, nonjudgemental feedback, consistent support, encouragement and progress celebration. We believe that every step forward, no matter how small, is a reason to acknowledge your growth and achievements during our time together.
As you near the end of completing your counseling journey, your counselor will begin to describe the discharge process. This marks the celebration of your progress, growth and achievement of treatment plan goals. At the ULA Counseling Center, we do not view this as an "end" but a new chapter in your journey. Should you ever need support again, our doors will always be open!